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Software Deployment : uninstall project professional.Uninstall Office from a PC – Microsoft Support
Right-click the Office application you want to remove, and then click Uninstall. Follow the prompts to complete the uninstall. Note: If Office isn’t listed in. Steps: Go to control panel=>Programs & Features=>Find Office =>Right click => Change =>Add/Remove feature=>Find the Office =>Click the.
Uninstall microsoft project 2010 manually free download
Hi i am loooking for a command line to silently uninstall microsoft project professional via sccm. What i would do is a search for the MS fixit to remove office products.
Its an MSI, when you run it it’ll extract a vbs script that you can use to uninstall office products. Give it a try and let me know if you get stuck. To achieve a silent install, you also need to ensure that in the config. I’m now able to run the uninstall silently, both manually and via SCCM.
Sign up today to participate, stay informed, earn points and establish a reputation for yourself! Log in. Does anyone know where i can find ‘fixit’.
Is it still available? Posted by: dchristian 9 years ago. Comments: Is it still available? Posted by: RonW 9 years ago. Comments: That sounds good, but witch path do you use for the config. The config. WW folder. I asked because my uninstallation only works if I place the config. Edit: via Task Sequence it is working Posted by: ontari. Comments: it was great..
Answer this question. Posted by:. Don’t be a Stranger! Sign up! View more:. Software Deployment Questions. Reckon Accounts silent installation. Set default browser as Edge and set homepage as a website that needs to run in IE Emulation mode. Link Related Links.
MSI Switches. Post Related Posts. How to Patch newly deployed Computer. Powershell script to check C: drive has 20GB free space.
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